5:45 alarm goes off, start playing snooze-tag
6:15 actually get up
6:17 make and drink quadruple iced mocha, on particularly rough mornings or if I'm stuffed up I'll have some ephedrine with this
7:10 smoke on the way to the bus (not every day, about twice a week)
8:15 first coffee at work and plunk down in front of computer
9:00 second coffee
9:30 third coffee
10:15 fourth coffee
11:30 fifth coffee
12:00 microwave popcorn and sixth coffee
1:30 seventh coffee
2:45 eighth coffee
4:00 leave computer
5:00 get home, hang with kids
6:00 dinner, usually with Kool-aid or cola
7:00 help get the kids started to going to bed
7:30 retreat to basement and plunk down in front of computer to work some more
8:00 a big bowl of ice-cream, a beer, a gin & tonic, or more Kool-aid
1:00 leave the computer
1:30 go to bed and kick myself time wasted from lack of focus that comes from lack of sleep and for not going to bed hours earlier
1:45 finally fall asleep for another oh-so-fitful four hours
I seriously need some sleep and some fun. I should have some money coming in today or tomorrow so I think I will be at Sin City. But right now I'm overdue for my popcorn and coffee...
Oringinal post: http://mbarrick.livejournal.com/260879.html