I thought yesterday sucked. I made it through my presentation by massively exceeding the maximum daily reccommended dose of decongestants. When it all work off I thought I was going to die. I flopped down on the couch to die. It was suggested that I go to bed, but I didn't even have the energy to do that. Then Mr. Electrical Wizard blew the circut my servers are on, again. If it wasn't for the fact that my throat was too sore to speak I would have cussed him out. As it was I made sure everything came back up as expected (I've
got to get a UPS before something gets fried) and collapsed on the couch downstairs. I wandered in and out of consciousness for a few hours then found myself wide awake around one o'clock in the morning. I stayed up for a couple hours and then stumbled uptairs. Why stumbled? Because Mr. Electrical Wizard had also tripped the breaker for the hall and bedroom lights. I have no idea when I woke up this morning because the clock was blinking from a
third tripped fuse. Why all the tripped breakers? Because no amount of explaining can get "you can't put a space heater on a 15 amp circut along with another major appliance" through his head and simply "you can't plug that thing into this outlet" gets ignored. "But it was working. I don't undertand it. It's a mystery." is the response I get.
It's not a fucking mystery! Fuck.
So anyway. My head is pounding. I used up all the hot water trying to steam some of this out of my head. I feel like absolute crap. There was an event I wanted to attend this morning, but I can barely walk across the room. So the elf and elflings are out without me. Just as well, the noise when they get back is going to excruciating.