I had a dream last night after getting back from
Sanctuary. I dreamt all my things, or at least all the things I had left - which amounted to a few obsolete terminals, some tattered clothes, a few pieces of worn furniture, some dog-eared books, and my cats - were piled up in the corner of a parking garage. It was several levels underground, harshly lit and the lights never went out. The cats were curled up on some of the tattered clothes and there were a number of people standing around looking my things over. I was selling what few things I had left off, not for myself, but to give over to the kids that lived upstairs, in the building the parkade was for. As people were rooting through my last meagre possessions cars were driving by on their way in and out of the parkade. Then one of the kids from upstairs knocked over a stack of four old TTY serial terminals. I caught the top one and propped the other three up with my knee to keep them from smashing on the pavement. Just at that moment I looked down the slope of the parkade and an
elephant was charging up at my pathetic little pile and the people picking over it. I dropped the terminal, grabbed the kid and yelled for everyone to follow me. I ran into the elevator antechamber which had large windows (like the sort you see in mall parkades). I knew it wouldn't be safe from the elephant because it could easily break through the windows. But I lived down here and knew that the door to the machine room under the elevator could be opened easily. I ran down the stairs into the dank machine room under the elevator with the kid, but no one followed - they were trying to escape via the elevator. I put the kid down and run back up the stairs to save the people from the elephant but it had already smashed the window and the people were dead. I quickly returned down to the machine room to check the kid but she was gone. In the dream I knew what happened - the Ogs had carried her off. I knew there was nothing I could do because their hole was too small for me to get through. The door at the top of the stairs closed. That's how the dream ended. I lost the kid I had sold most everything off for. What little I had left was likely trampled by an elephant, including my cats, people were dead, and I was trapped in a dark, musty room.