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My Boss in the Paper

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Kerr said the punishing tariffs demonstrate that the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush does not support free trade as it claims.

"Frankly, if I were the Bush administration, I would be ashamed big time," Kerr said.

-- Vancouver Sun, March 23, 2002

Jake Kerr is the Chairman and CEO of Lignum Ltd.

Now just look at the horse-shit coming out of that idiot Bush's mouth.

"We're going to continue to pursue the Free Trade of the Americas (agreement), which aims to encompass the entire hemisphere," he said.

Bush's new free-trade pitch came just days after he slapped new tariffs on steel and softwood lumber imported to the United States, raising questions about his commitment to free trade in the Americas, and his statement that the U.S. market is "wide open."

Asked about U.S. subsidies for agricultural produce that hurt smaller countries, Bush said he could do little about such programs approved by Congress.

-- Assciated Press (Yahoo Canada)

Need I remind anyone that the bloody idiot wasn't even properly elected?

And lest anyone think my opinion now has anything to do with my work, let me take you back to last August here and here, well before I even interviewed for this job.

Yet again, let me say how much I like my job. I'm passionate about this industry, I like what I do, and I'm proud of who I am working for. But note, nonetheless, despite my opinions being somewhat in line with the company at this point, what's posted in this journal are my personal opinions and not necessarily the opinion or position of my employer.

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