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Yahoo Astrology actually gives you horoscopes that take into account your exact time and place of birth. That's ususal for a free service. Nonetheless, my horoscope for tomorrow is most promising:
Close the book, punch the 'send' button and cross the last item off the 'to-do' list. It seems that when you wake up tomorrow morning, nothing is going to be quite like it was yesterday, and nobody is going to be reacting to you the way they did in the past. A new era has begun, and though the changes may be subtle and a bit slow in coming, they are nonetheless profound and permanent. You have grown as a person and a spirit, and now it seems that much of the new pieces are falling into place. Be ready to take on new and exciting adventures that would've been little more than pipe dreams just a year or two ago!

The Yahoo one says something similar, but since the horoscope is split between the sun and rising sign influnce it doesn't read as nicely.

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