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A few words for the watchers.

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What a wonderful world we live in where faceless cowards and liars can do what they do. And I'm not just talking about the terrorists, but the ordinary liars and cowards like the some of the ones reading this. The ones that chose to fire me without warning for part of my passionate reaction to what happened Tuesday.

I don't know for sure who made the decision to send me on my merry way without a thought or a care beyond covering their own ass from some other liar and coward further up the corporate ladder. But I've been going over my logs. I know how long they have been watching. I know the employee number of whoever got mailed about what I wrote this morning. It's safe to assume he was part of the decision.

Now, watcher, go to bed and think about all the slimy tracks you've left. Now. think about the people who are risking their lives and have lost their lives trying to save people right now and think about the life you just shit on out of your own fear and cowardice. Tomorrow look across the street at the flowers in front of the consulate, have you bothered walking across the street to put one there? Or are you too busy covering your precious ass to care?

Let me share with you just a few examples of my character, so you can better understand what you have done. I've run into a burning house to make sure no one was inside. I've been beaten senseless defending my friends when the situation left no alternative. When I was in the army my buddies used to leave their valuables in my footlocker because they felt they were safer there than in their own even though we all had the same issue. I was out standing with the loggers yelling things at that same consulate not so many days ago because I care about my home town and my cousins and nieces and nephews that depend on that industry. I care about my friends in NYC and you fired me for sharing my fears and feelings with them. What kind of person are you?

I imagine you probably don't worry about it much though. Worrying about ethics and maintaining integrity gets in the way of covering your ass and climbing that corporate ladder.

Sleep well, because maybe tomorrow your boss might need to cover his ass... That's the difference between you and I. I'll always be my own man. You'll always have a boss.

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