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Some days are better than others

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OK. Last night I met up with Brenda at the pub and had a great time. Jessica (not, Trish's Jessica, a different one) suddenly appeared with a bunch of her friends. We all sat together and has a lovely time at Þe olde pub. I was very happy to be introduced to a couple of Jessica's friends whom I had noticed before. Friday redeemed itself and ended well.

Then along comes today. My plan for today was to take my car in to a mechanic because I failed the damn smog testing last time around and need to get certified repairs so that I can reinsure the old beast. That and the leak in the transmission has gotten pretty bad and I want to find out for sure what is causing it (I'm nearly certain it is nothing more than a bad gasket, but because of all the fluid it would be a pain in the ass to change it, which is why I've just let it leak for the last few years). So I go down to get my car out of the garage for the first time in a few weeks and am horrified to see that somebody has removed the piece of cardboard I put under the car to catch the leaking tranny fluid. There is a substantial pink river across the two adjacent parking stalls and a nasty note on my windshield. Why do I suspect it was John-boy upstairs that sabotaged me?

Anyway I get the car out and take it to the Canadian Tire at 1st and Burrard. The fucking mechanic gives me attitude because my smog test was done in June and claims that they won't touch the vehicle if the test is more than a week old. I'm shocked. I tell him that it is ridiculous and I will simply take my car elsewhere. He says, "Well, if you can find a mechanic that will work on that car, go ahead and go somewhere else." What a pretentious shit! I have no doubt it was because my car is old and I wasn't dressed like I have money.

In order to confirm my theory that this is not a Canadian Tire policy I took my car and drove a few blocks east to the Canadian Tire at 7th and Cambie. Lo and behold I am treated with respect and there is no problem whatsoever with the date my smog testing was done. My car is there now.

After dropping off my car and taking the bus home I went downstairs to clean up the slick of pink oil I'd left behind. A little clumping kitty litter and a few rags later and it's all good. But then I make the most unbelievably stupid mistake I've made in a long time. I go up to the top level of the parkade to dump the oil-soaked litter and rags in the dumpster. The doors between the floor are locked so I need my keys to get to the upper level. I have my keys in my hand as I dump the litter into the dumpster. My keys fall out of my hand!

Next thing I know I'm in the dumpster digging through oil-soaked kitty litter, rotten food, old diapers, and the like to find my keys. What fun!

I washed my hands and the keys in Listerine afterwords and took a very thorough shower. Ick. This is right up there with the day in basic training when I put my helmet down on a cow-pie and didn't realise it until I put it back on my head.

Oringinal post: