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Damn! This is funny.

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Well, I got off on one of my little information collection tangents, looking up some information on the area my father's family comes from. He told me long ago that the area, which is now part of the Ukraine was controlled by the Austro-Hungarian empire at the point his four grandparents emigrated. Looking up the overlap that places the village in the eastern part of Galicia. Why is that funny? Because this area was the western extent of the Goths at the point where the tribe/kingdom split in the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths. That puts me on the Visigoth side. Assuming my paternal ancestors had been in the area for at least 1400 years I am, in point of fact, Goth. Oh, well...

And as a bonus, the area is in the Carpathian Mountains, which as you may recall from Dracula are the mountains that bound Transylvania.

Here's today's comic. More coffee antics.

Oringinal post:
