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Damn it, damn it damn it.

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OK. The funeral home is out. My niggling suspicion that things were not as good as they presented them at the interview has basically been confirmed. The details are moot, the bottom line is there are major signs of flailing headless chicken syndrome... Good thing I have the wireless place to talk to this afternoon. To hell with the funding problem, if they last a year that will be enough to get me on my feet and back to consulting, if they last longer, well great. At this point I'm convinced the wireless place is a better opportunity. But even if I end up on Toronto or somewhere else, that's fine too.

I'm annoyed by life today. It doesn't seem to matter what you do, the reward for every action, inaction, caring gesture, callous disregard, triumph or failure is exactly the same: a kick in the head or, if you are lucky, ambivalence.

Yup. I'm a bundle of joy today. Hopefully I'll feel better after my three o'clock interview.

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