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December 2009

[Gothic BC] Comment Notifications

I've added an improved comment-notification feature that, like every other site out there, allows you to receive an e-mail notice when content you have authored is commented on. This long-overdue features should make the forums and blogging a lot more useful.

It is on by default and the settings can be changed on your "My account" page.

[Gothic BC] Spammers-B-Gone

After another round of posts from 3rd-world sweatshop spammers (i.e. people whose job it is to manually log into websites in order to circumvent CAPTCHA forms and post spam links) I've implemented a "troll" module that allows me to block IP, setup blacklists, and other means of fighting back.

Gender in Canada

So, on the kind of random lark I have a tendency to end up on for no good reason, I found myself wondering what the legal definitions of male and female happened to be under Canadian law. Interestingly I couldn't find any definitions. All I could find was this passage in the Interpretation Act


Sir Wilfred Barrick and H.R.H. Queen Valerian.

Oringinal post:

[Gothic BC] Forums Back from the Dead

Based off what worked for the successful import of the old photo gallery comments, I've also imported all the threads from the old forum that was abandoned last year when I rebuilt the site.