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November 2009

[Gothic BC] Buy Photos On-line

You can order photos that have been tagged as being of you or your friends (sorry, not just anybody can buy any photo.) And, of course, I don't have printable source files for the photos that are uploaded to the site from other photographers, so those are not available for purchase. If a photo is available for you to purchase you will see a "buy photo" link in the caption area.

A Theory

I'm pretty certain that anyone over thirty that uses a picture of themselves from high-school as their default facebook/mySpace/etc. profile picture/icon/avatar is less than fully satisfied with the way their life has turned out, most likely has a body-image problem, and feels constrained by external expectations of who they think they should be.

Oringinal post:

[Gothic BC] Private Forums

I've added new restricted-access forum areas to the forum. These include areas in the "Clubbing & Events" and "Relationships & Sexuality" forums that are only accessible by members with who have confirmed adult memberships, as well as an open-topic area just for registered members and another open topic area just for paid members and early adopters.

Logo Thoughts, Round 2

A second logo variation based on feedback from the previous one.

Logo Thoughts

I've been toying with a logo for my photographic endeavours. Opinions welcomed.

Oringinal post: