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October 2001

And the Suckage Returns

Yeah. I was mislead for a moment there. Today sucks. Yesterday sucked. Tomorrow will, in all likelyhood, suck.

I need to start a fight club. Punching someone in the head or getting punched in the head feels like the right thing for right now.

What a crappy day this has been. Time to go to sleep and gather strength to make it through another one.

Oringinal post:

Slow start

Am I ever off to a slow start today. I stayed up too late at Ivana's (and I can't imagine how she manages since the kids wake her up early) and consequently slept in too late. I wasted the entire morning rolling over, looking at the clock, thinking "Oh, crap, it's late. I should get up!" and subseqently falling back to sleep.

This is funny

I find this amusing. It's from a bit a spam I just got from Taiwan:
Sorry bother again, if you had notify us for remove your name from our list, please e-mail again.

Our previous server was crashed by typhoon, all old data were gone.

We apologize again if any inconvenience.

Small Spaz

Outlook Sucks Outlook Sucks Outlook Sucks Outlook Sucks

I feel better now

Oringinal post:
