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Gothnic II #5, 2011
35mm stereoscopic photograph, digital animation from 35mm film, photograph.

Gothnic II #2, 2011
35mm stereoscopic photograph, digital animation from 35mm film, photograph.

Fanboy Confessional - Steampunk Edition

Here is the Vancouver segment of Space Channel's "Fanboy Confessional - Steampunk Edition." I can be seen playing croquet at 3:00 and I'm featured running my photo-booth at 4:34. Phoenix Black, "We have a photo booth in the back with a local photographer who is really very, very good."

[Gothic BC] Gothic BC, Here Through It All

alt.gothic,, onelist, eGroups, YahooGroups, MSN, LiveJournal, friendster, Tribe, VampireFreaks, mySpace, facebook, Google+

110625 Sin City, 2011
14 images
digital photograph, photograph.


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