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The Daily Colonist, June 1–7, 1915

#dailycolonist1915 - The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:

You'd almost think this week's news was a steampunk fanfic and not the actual news from 100 years ago. We've got submarine and Zeppelin pirates, a secret submarine base in Asia Minor, Zeppelins bombing London, the king's birthday, and earls being knighted. We also have the beginnings of forced labour in Canadian concentration camps and the Armenian Genocide in Turkey. But we wrap up the week with good news from Denmark.

Why Are Buses So Strange?

Documentation of my 1992 video installation, Why Are Buses So Strange?

The Daily Colonist, May 25–31, 1915

#dailycolonist1915 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago:

Italy enters the war. Germans make more gas attacks and the gas being used is identified for the first time. Mine explosion in Nanaimo. Not to mention a fair bit of weird local news...


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