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[Gothic BC] Spammers-B-Gone

After another round of posts from 3rd-world sweatshop spammers (i.e. people whose job it is to manually log into websites in order to circumvent CAPTCHA forms and post spam links) I've implemented a "troll" module that allows me to block IP, setup blacklists, and other means of fighting back.

[Gothic BC] Forums Back from the Dead

Based off what worked for the successful import of the old photo gallery comments, I've also imported all the threads from the old forum that was abandoned last year when I rebuilt the site.

[Gothic BC] Buy Photos On-line

You can order photos that have been tagged as being of you or your friends (sorry, not just anybody can buy any photo.) And, of course, I don't have printable source files for the photos that are uploaded to the site from other photographers, so those are not available for purchase. If a photo is available for you to purchase you will see a "buy photo" link in the caption area.

[Gothic BC] Private Forums

I've added new restricted-access forum areas to the forum. These include areas in the "Clubbing & Events" and "Relationships & Sexuality" forums that are only accessible by members with who have confirmed adult memberships, as well as an open-topic area just for registered members and another open topic area just for paid members and early adopters.

Creating an RSS Feed from a Facebook Wall

I'm not the first one to run into this problem, but in searching around I couldn't actually find anyone who had actually bothered to solve the problem: how to get an RSS feed from a publicly accessible facebook wall. The facebook wall can either be a fan-page wall or a publicly accessible group's wall.

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