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[Gothic BC] Sending Photos Directly to Facebook

Here's a tip for sending your photos directly from the gallery here to facebook...

[Gothic BC] Redoing the Home Page

Last night, in a fit of productivity, I redid the homepage.

[Gothic BC] A Typical Saturday at the "Offices" of Gothic BC

My lovely wife Valerian and I are up well before the crack of noon working hard to make your world a darker place. She's checked for overnight orders at Art of Adornment that need to be shipped today. I've been busy collecting pictures to be used for visuals at Sanctuary and for Sin City posters.

Screen Resultions Higher than 1024x768 for Linux under Parallels 4

By default Parallels allocates a very small amount of video memory for Linux installs. Simply increase the amount of available video memory to allow for the largest desired resolution. With the Parallels Tools installed you will now be able to scale the window to resolutions higher than 1024x768.

[Gothic BC] Comment Notifications

I've added an improved comment-notification feature that, like every other site out there, allows you to receive an e-mail notice when content you have authored is commented on. This long-overdue features should make the forums and blogging a lot more useful.

It is on by default and the settings can be changed on your "My account" page.

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