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Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American...

Webster’s New World Dictionary of the American Language
Second Concise Edition
general editor: David B. Guralnik
Avenel Books, US, 1978

Dictionary of Word Origins

Dictionary of Word Origins
Joseph T. Shirpley, 1945
Littlefield, Adams & Company, US, 1964 edition
library “discard”. Spine ripped and reglued. Ex libris stamp on first leaf “Quamican Jr. Secondary” and inventory stamp on third leaf “1196”
And while I decided at the outset of this project not to include commentaries on the books, I could not resist including my favourite entry: “nun. see nincompoop.”

The Columbia Viking Desk Encyclopedia, Third Edition

The Columbia Viking Desk Encyclopedia, Third Edition
Volume Two - Laval, F. X. de–Zworykin
edited by Columbia Encyclopedia editors, Columbia University, 1953, 1960, 1968
William Bridgewater, editor-in-chief
Viking Press, US
Published in Candada by MacMillan Company, CA, 1968
printed in US

The Columbia Viking Desk Encyclopedia, Third Edition

The Columbia Viking Desk Encyclopedia, Third Edition
Volume One - Aa–Lavaca Bay
edited by Columbia Encyclopedia editors, Columbia University, 1953, 1960, 1968
William Bridgewater, editor-in-chief
Viking Press, US
Published in Canada by MacMillan Company, CA, 1968
printed in US
pressed inside: my dad’s invitations to my sisters’ weddings with the flowers he wore as boutonnières

Canadian Orders, Decorations, and Medals

Canadian Orders, Decorations, and Medals
F. J. Blatherwick, 1984
The Unitrade Press, CA, 3rd edition 1985


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