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Much to Think About

Yesterday left me with a lot to think about. There was a part of me that knew all along that coming here was going to lead to some kind of epiphany, that was the point of the trip. I knew there was a question I didn't know how to ask and for no reason I can reasonably explain I knew coming here would help me find that question. That sounds flakey as can be... but I guess if I was a real flake I would have left the question unasked and blamed my confusion on anything but myself.

A cliché

Another day in New York

After the Empire State building yesterday I went to see "From Hell" with a bunch of Elisabeth's friends. Or more precisely, we were on our way to the movie and went up the Empire State on a whim. The funny thing is that it turned out that I knew a couple of people at the cinema from C6. That was amusing.

Bite Me

This is for the cowardly, paranoid goof at HSBC that was watching my journal last September...

Here I am on top of the Empire State Building. That wisp of smoke over my right shoulder is Ground Zero. Like whether or not people in some nondescript (actually quite ugly) tower in Vancouver meet in front of the building or behind it in an evacuation makes any bloody difference whatsoever.

So, Anyway...

After brunch and some shopping yesterday (I bought another pair of shoes! Other people buy souvenirs... whatever!) Michelle, Elisabeth and I went for a walk down to Washington Square to carve pumpkins. We each bought a small pumpkin on the way. Michelle was explaining that in Manhattan people don't have yards so the parks are like communal backyards. It's true. I would have felt like a fool carving a pumpkin in a public park in Vancouver, but in Manhattan it felt ordinary.


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