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Yes, Grasshopper...

Yay. I was just playing teacher to Evilyn. Now she knows how to post pictures in her journal. So much for working on my own web site tonight... lol

Got to get to sleep now though. I've got really important work to do tomorrow. I'll write more about that tomorrow.

Oringinal post:

Vain whiners

And now it is done. I ended up being a few minutes late for the headhunter interview because of the damn buses and traffic. Does everyone in Vancouver lose their brain when the sun comes out or what? Anyway, it went well. Hopefully these guys will be able to land something for me before I starve to death or end up living out of the wonder wagon.


I woke up feeling very, well, leonine this morning. As I was falling asleep I dreamt about living back on Vancouver Island. As dreams tend to be things were a little misplaced - bits of Victoria and Duncan were mixed up. In part of the dream I was living with Ivana in the house I grew up in. That was very pleasant :-)

Well, so endeth the day. Some corporate headhunters saw my résumé on and I have an interview with them tomorrow. Fingers are crossed, but the unfortunate truth is I may have already applied directly with the people they want to place me with. That would suck. Perhaps a strategic omission of information might improve my chances with the job I most want. But then again I don't want anything coming back and biting me in the ass, either.

Why didn't I just open a coffee shop?

OK, now for a real entry...

I'm so bloody bored with my life. Tomorrow at 2pm I have an interview with some IT headhunters in a effort to find a gig that will let me stay in town. At the moment I am really wishing I hadn't wound up in a career in computers, and doubly regretting that I have painted myself into a corner with my specialty. I've got three career choices right now:

1.) Take something not-so-perfect here in Vancouver and hopefully end up more employable as a result,


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