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Why is it never simple?

I am just waiting for Opium to pick me up to go to Sanctuary. I was determined to go out and celebrate my divorce tonight but now I find myself confused. Ivana called. I was sure it was hopeless and I was determined to move on, now I don't know again. This is killing me.

Oringinal post:

99 LuftBallons

So I talked Evilyn into going to Isaac's new night at 23 West (tentatively named "Netherworld") because I wanted to drink, damnit. I had my usual warm-up quadruple Bombay and tonic as she was on her way over and we headed to Gastown. Because she was still sleep-deprived from her camping trip she wanted coffee so we parked and went to the Starbucks by the steam clock. She got a venti frappuccino, which is pretty much a coffee-slurpie - they're huge. I got my usual double tall latté - doubles are so much more efficient...

Fuck 'em!

I went to the bank again today. I managed to get everything done by phone at work yesterday but I decided it would be a good idea to go in and do some ass-covering today. I got a money order for my rent, got them to put the $500 back in and took everything else in cash. At this point the only the only thing that could potentially fuck up is the replacement cheque for the one that was supposed to be reversed. But I don't give a rat's ass about that since the only way it could bounce now would be the bank's fault, not mine.

The saga continues.

Apparently the student loan people received the money and it hasn't been returned. They've ripped me off for $500. Isn't that just lovely. The bank has contacted them directly to get the money back. Meanwhile I still have enough money for rent, but nothing else.

I am choked!

I checked my bank account last night to see if my last two student loan cheques had cleared properly and discovered that the problem with the post-dated cheque that should not have been processed is still not resolved. They gave me the money back last Saturday and I thought everything was OK. But as of yesterday they turned around and took it back since now there is money in my account because I got paid. I've already issued yet another replacement cheque to the student loan people so I'm out $500 again. That's my food and entertainment for the next four weeks.

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