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So we got free ice cream at work today. Woo-hoo - sugar rush right before walking home. Today was such a great day to walk, except for the evil revenge of "Song in Your Head Boy" - of all the dumb things to get stuck in my head on the way home I had "I have spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle\as I go walking merrily along"!! Pure, self-induced torture that was.


Blah. I'm sleepy today. I've got two hours to go and I have pretty much run out of steam. The stuff I was working on this morning was interesting but now I've just got dull stuff to do. I can't wait to go home and finish off the leftover Chinese food from last night along with a pint of Guinness.

Oringinal post:

Damn it, Mike!

This is all Sleepless Knight's fault. After introducing him to northern European food last night we got to talking about different cuisines. I now find myself craving Chinese food and very impatiently waiting for my favourite takeout place to open at 4:30 so I can feed my hangover. Normally I'd go for a "Greek Burger" at the Vine Yard or some really greasy bacon and eggs, but nooooo not today. Today I am dying for fried rice and sweet and sour pork balls....

My brain hurts

Kiss Whore
Kiss Whore - right cheek
Kiss Whore

It's 5am

Do you know where your brain is?

I have not been so covered in lipstick since I was whoring around at the Catwalk at C6. In deference to the official status of my divorce I was asking every cute girl at the club to kiss me on the cheek. As I got drunker I extended that to anyone who was wearing lipstick. I've got some photos that I'll post tomorrow.

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