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Another day...

...another comic.

I've got some drawing to do to get Evilyn's birthday present together today. I can't decide which of the 437,000 pictures there are of her on my Gothic BC site to use, not mention all the others that I have from converting files for her and other things.

Things just don't change

Don't even ask why or how I happen to have a political cartoon from March 14, 1978 kicking around, but here is definitive proof that things just don't change.

And here is today's regularly scheduled cartoon.

Oringinal post:

Oh, man!

I did it again... got my ass out of the fire just in the nick of time. Here I was this afternoon wandering around the apartment looking for things to sell, wondering if Evilyn would be interested in buying the wonder wagon, and such things because I didn't have rent together. Then a small contact comes through and I will be getting exactly the amount I'm short by courier Monday!

Does it make you dizzy?

Animated spinning head
Sit and spin

OK, it seemed like a cool idea, but this spinning animated head gets annoying quickly. I think I'll go back to a static picture.

Oringinal post:

Begging for Lattés

Another day, another interview. This one was a second, shortlist interview with the HSBC. It looks very much like I am going to get this one. Turns out their Notes development team lead knows a lot of the same people I do, particularly my two most important references, through the now defunct Pacific Northwest Notes user group. This definitely helps.


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