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June 2010

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

As pertinent to the arbitrary detaining of protesters and bystanders last weekend in Toronto:

CBC News - The Globe and Mail - Macleans ...

Even the mainstream media is reporting abuses. Just a sampling.

Today's Tweets

16:31:53  —  RT @MMartinJohnson: is wondering why they just let the cars burn? Why no firefighters? Photo opp? #G20
16:43:45  —  RT @yathehabsrule: #Toronto Mayor David Miller's legacy can be summed up in two summers: Garbage strike in 2009 and #G20 chaos in 2010.

Exploring Some of Vancouver's World War II Relics

Most Vancouverites are aware of the two "bunkers" at Tower Beach and the "Siwash Bunker" in Stanley Park. The Siwash bunker is a WW I relic, originally housing a 4" gun, and as such can be properly referred to as a "bunker." The towers at Tower Beach, however, built for WW II, never were gun emplacements and were never manned, and as such are not really "bunkers" at all. More on that after the cut.
