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Two Conversations Overheard on the Skytrain

Conversation #1 - Overheard about two weeks ago.

[ Young guy with a death-hawk talking on his cell phone ] "Sanctuary? Why would you want to go to Sanctuary? They don't even have a dress code anymore. Sin City is much better. Ordinary people in regular clothes show up at Sanctuary."

Conversation #2 - Overheard last night

Stupid Me

I had a photography gig in Port Moody tonight. The smart thing to do would have been to bring my camera with me to work, but nooooo... I had to forget about the gig until I was already at work. I had just enough time to bus home and bus back to Port Moody in time make my gig. Once I make it home again (I'm on the bus now) I will have travelled well over one hundred kilometers and spent over four hours on transit today. Guh. Me smrt.

The City is On Vacation

The is only one other person on the train with me.

Oringinal post:

An Odd Thing to Enjoy

Later today I will be photographing a local dignitary and as I was entering the Skytrian station something occurred to me: the gear that I am carrying looks very much like I could be carrying a bomb and a rifle. This morning I find myself thankful that I am living in a city and a country that haven't lapsed into complete paranoia.

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