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National Film Board

A friend of mine is applying for a job with the NFB and told me she has to go write an exam today as part of the application. It got me to thinking... what sort of questions would be on an NFB exam...?

Are you Canadian enough to work for the NFB?

Just as I suspected

After taking the fashionable quiz du jour at my diagnosis came out as follows:


* Uncomplicated Bereavement


everything else

This is disturbing

It bothers me that something this short and apparently meaningless could render such apparently accurate results. (My comments in italics)

Your view on yourself

Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener; they'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.

Another day...

...another comic.

I've got some drawing to do to get Evilyn's birthday present together today. I can't decide which of the 437,000 pictures there are of her on my Gothic BC site to use, not mention all the others that I have from converting files for her and other things.

Things just don't change

Don't even ask why or how I happen to have a political cartoon from March 14, 1978 kicking around, but here is definitive proof that things just don't change.

And here is today's regularly scheduled cartoon.

Oringinal post:


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