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Ich bin ein Zellefallhammer.

(I am a cubicle monkey.)

OK, so I made an entry at work and forgot to bring the disk home. We had a meeting at the end of the day and it ran over so I bailed out as quickly as possible, especially since the transit strike escalation made a mess of downtown traffic. I had to drive this morning. I had planned to walk but forgot to set my alarm last night so drove at the last minute.

Regular Hours

Nice bloody morning. This whole "regular hours" thing is going to be an adjustment. I feel like I have jet-lag. I forgot to turn on my alarm for the second time this week. The first time was my first day. By sheer fluke I managed to wake up on time that day, but no such luck today. I rolled over and saw to my horror that it was 7:45. As it turns out my boss rolled in an hour and half late and one of my co-workers isn't even here yet thanks to the escalation of the transit strike.

Less than thrilled

Third day at the new job and I am bored silly. I'm sitting here inventing ways to update my LiveJournal without it leaving a trace in the proxy logs. So the best I can think of right now is using a word file on a floppy that I can take with me and then cut and paste into my Live Journal later. I'll have to think of something better later.

Oringinal post:

La la la... yawn.

What an ordinary day I had. In an ordinary building filled with ordinary people doing ordinary things so I can pay the rent and feed that cats. How thrilling.

Oringinal post:

Somebody turned over the Death card.

Everything is changing. Tomorrow at 8am I start the new job (well, it is a six month contract, but that's just picking nits), also tomorrow my divorce is final and that chapter of my life is over, and I got some rather disappointing news from Ivana. She has decided to move to Kelowna. Now I'm very glad I went out and celebrated last night, because now I am bummed, to put it mildly. I can't argue with any of her reasons for wanting to move, in fact I agree with all of them. *shrug* What can I do?


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