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The Daily Colonist, November 19, 1914

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#dailycolonist1914 - News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

Nothing quite on the level of underwater knife-fights with octopi today (I doubt that is ever going to be topped) but some interesting and almost as exotic news today, but first:

  • Starvation in Belgium. "Women and Children in Belgium Begging Pitifully for Bread" [two of those children, out of millions, are my maternal grandparents. "Eat for the hunger that comes." my grandmother always said. This, plus it all happening again in WW II, is why.]
  • However, American relief for Belgium is arriving and, despite earlier threats, "The Germans are not seizing any of the relief food and clothing, but are giving courteous assistance to the work of relief."

 And now for the more exotic stuff:

  • All in the same article:
    • Daring charge by French Zouave troops [i.e. "The French Foreign Legion"], 
    • Only scraps of news from fighting in the "Near East" [i.e. the Balkans] are reaching the outside world,
    • General Botha is dispersing Boer rebels in South Africa, and
    • East Indian troops deployed against German East Africa [Tanzania] where heavy fighting has resulted in 900 British casualties to date.
  • A more detailed account of the defeat and dispersing of Boer rebels in South Africa.
  • [Meanwhile in the land of Dracula] Turkish ships enter the Danube, forcing Romania to enter the war on one side or the other, depending on how the Romanian government deals with the infraction.
  • Arabian chiefs in revolt [starting what is referred to in Lawrence of Arabia as "a sideshow to a sideshow" but having results that fundamentally shape the politics of the 20th century through to the present day.]

And to the south, in the "Wild West" of the United States:

  • Armed highwaymen rob a "motor stage" near Spokane, killing the driver, and making off with $12.
  • A train robbery in Iowa results in the death of the conductor when, in a struggle to thwart the robbery, both the conductor and robber fall from the train. "Posses are searching for the bandit." 

Meanwhile in Canada:

  • In a tiny filler article it's noted that in Montréal, "about twenty aliens have been interned by the new commissioner of alien registration." 
  • In North Bay, Ontario, "Mrs. Condray took exception to remarks reflecting on her character made by Mrs. Phippeni" and took an axe to her. 
  • And the really important stuff:
    • New British taxes reported yesterday will not affect tea prices in Canada.
    • The Victoria Lawn Bowling Club reports most successful season to date.