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ZOMG LJ-FAIL !!11!1!bbq

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So everyone is freaking out because the Russian owners of LJ have canned 12 people in the States.

For one, reality check time, Russian programmers are cheaper than American ones. I'm "SUP"-rised that people didn't get sacked a year ago.

I'm sitting here writing this on my Russian-programmed LJ-client that I've been using for about five years now. I'm also not freaked out about backups because, well, way *way* back when LJ was run by bradfitz and a bunch of volunteers, I wasn't real confident in the site's revenue model (this was around the time of the the so I started backing up my journal with a little Perl script (written by a Russian, BTW) that runs in a nightly cron job. That backup is how I make my public posts searchable - you'll see the search link if you are viewing my blog in my own style. The same script also backs up my DeadJournal account, which I don't update often anymore, but I keep because there I have an early-adopter account there.

So, whatever. LJ remains a convenience, not a necessity.

Oringinal post:
