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Utterly pathetic

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The G8 "Night of the Hungry Rich" protest just marched, or rather, straggled, by. So how was it received by those who it was intended to interrupt? One of my co-workers commented, "That was disappointing. I was expecting more people, something more entertaining." As far as disruptive forces go, Indy, yesterday's Shriner parade, the Symphony of Fire and such events are all more disruptive, and they are part of "the system". Just another meaningless "What are we protesting this week?" march in Lotus Land.

These methods don't work anymore. Those that want to affect change take note, you need to look at why your methods don't work. I recently read an article from "Aviation Week and Space Technology" that pointed out how an astronaut who had walked on the moon was met with boredom and disinterest during a classroom visit. Why? Because simply walking on the moon can't compete with Captain Kirk and Darth Vader. Even as the WTC dust still hung in the air people who were right there and saw it happen first hand were saying, "I couldn't believe it. It was like something in a movie." People are saturated with spectacles that even the most horrific and dramatic reality has trouble competing with. Fight that first and you might have a chance.

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