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Now if only the nausea would pass

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Say it with me folks: phew!

Just as I was about to leave work I spoke to the agency I am working through and was horrified to realize I had misunderstood the pay schedule. Tomorrow was not to be my first payday, but rather the end of the month. This would be the point where my heart dropped into my stomach at the prospect of having to further stall the student loan Nazis. I thank the incalculable luck that seems to always come through at moments like this. I managed to wrangle an advance out of the agency so I will get paid tomorrow. This means I don't get paid again until the 15th of June, but I can live with that since this cheque will get my rent and my most urgent bills paid.

"Mr. Anderson Barrick, you seem to think you are special, that the rules don't apply to you." Damn right.

Oringinal post:
