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Name stuff

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Evilyn made me go to this site to do a name search for her since they only allow four searches (unless you delete the cookie!) so while I was at it I did myself:


derived from: (Hebrew)

meaning: Who is like the Lord

motivation: Strives for independence

character: Direct and to the point

feelings: Likes to feel contentment

intelligence: Open to suggestion

spiritual: Not guided by others

nature: Considered to be enchanting

inherent: Noted for your curiosity


derived from: (French)

meaning: Reborn

motivation: Wants to be respected

character: A reliable person

feelings: Is patient and understanding

intelligence: Academically minded

spiritual: Harmonious and peace loving

nature: Has a tranquil nature

inherent: A love of freedom


derived from: Barric (English)

meaning: Grain farm

motivation: Has a strong sense of family

character: Known for their tenacity

feelings: One who is sympathetic to others

intelligence: Has powers of insight and intuition

spiritual: Is on the right path

nature: Does not like leaving things unfinished

inherent: A cultured person

Oringinal post:
