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September 2014

The Daily Colonist, September 5, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today, including a new angle on the vilification of the Germans, contributions for B.C. to the war effort, and more...

The Daily Colonist, September 4, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

"Battle Front Quiet for Day" is the lead headline and the triple trend over the last few days of not disguising the horrors, front-page features of German atrocities, and an American spin on stories continues what appears to be a propaganda push aimed directly at the United States...

The Daily Colonist, September 3, 1914

News from Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today. 

• Instead of an image of the front page, I'm leading off with an article that a certain Mrs. Goethals will find amusing: "Mrs. Goethals Arrested".
• Fantastic stories of a second Zeppelin attack on Antwerp, dog-fights over Paris, and other aerial conflicts [remembering that most people around here may not have even seen an aeroplane yet].
• Russia has renamed St. Petersburg to Petrograd and asked other cities with German names to Russianize..
• Lots more...

The Daily Colonist, September 2, 1914

The news out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today. As much as yesterday was a slow news day, today was a busy one. My selections are not a comprehensive account of what was interesting in today's paper....

The Daily Colonist, September 1, 1914

News out of Victoria, British Columbia, 100 years ago today.

• Really a pretty sparse news day. Almost everything is rehashing of previously published reports.
• There are more hints at the enormity of the death and destruction that is happening.
• More anxiety over whether Turkey will enter the war
• Report of the utter destruction behind German lines in Belgium
• Britain is starting to talk about a draft
• More calls for volunteers

140308 Sin City, 2014
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