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November 2001

Blue Dancer
Blue Dancer

&copy 2001 Michael R. Barrick

Jen Dancing
Red Bar

&copy 2001 Michael R. Barrick

Blogger, LJ, DJ... whatever...

So. Anyway...

...This "sense of belonging" thing that Trish nailed. It was very astute of her. All this angst was/is about finding a place for myself, as myself. There is the part of me that fits in at Sanctuary and Sin City. That part is good, but I'm feeling more than a little dependent on it right now because the rest of everything is just so unfocused and undetermined.

Cross your fingers for me!

Wish me luck

I have my second interview tomorrow.

Oringinal post:

What the fuck is wrong with me?

OK. I've pretty much felt like crap ever since I got back from my trip. First I felt physically like crap since I caught some kind of cold on the way home, but I have been feeling increacingly depressed as well. I can't put my finger on it. I'm not prone to seasonal affected disorder (quite the opposite, actually).
